
Showing posts from 2019

Why Don't Newborns Have Tears or Sweat?

During the first weeks of life, infants produce little sweat and no teardrops. Upon  coming into   the globe , a newborn lets out a loud, distinct cry —  a proof  of health and vigor.  it is a  cry that new  oldsters   can  quickly become  wont to   within the   returning  days and weeks.  however  if you look closely,  you will see  that a newborn's cry  may be a  bit  completely different  from  associate degree  older infant's: there  aren't any  tears. Tears, of course,  square measure  necessary  to shield  the eyes and keep them  dampish .  once   moon-faced  with extreme emotions  like   unhappiness , anger  or perhaps  happiness, we cry,  aforementioned  Sage  timber line , a  specialist  at the University of  Golden State , Davis, Children's Hospital in  cap...


Galaxy (noun, “GAAH-lex-ee”) This word describes  a colossal   assortment  of stars  certain   along  by gravity. Galaxies  usually  contain millions to trillions of stars, plus gas,  mud  and leftovers from star explosions. Scientists estimate that there  area unit   a minimum of   2  trillion galaxies  within the   a part of  the universe  that may  be  discovered  from Earth. Galaxies  are available in   scores of   completely different  shapes. Our home galaxy, the  Milky Way System ,  could be a   spiral nebula . These galaxies  typically   appear as if  pinwheels. Elliptical galaxies  area unit  fuzzy ovals. Some galaxies  area unit   known as  “irregular”  as a result of  they lack symmetry  and might   appear as if  a bunch of blobs. Gravity  conjointly  pulls galax...

High-tech crops may survive harsh conditions,even space

Plants  usually  endure long, blazing-hot days  to provide  the fruits and vegetables that growers  want . The incoming sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays  will be  intense — enough  to wreck  some crops. Such plants  would possibly   have the benefit of  a  inbuilt   cream .  currently  a team of scientists in Australia has stepped in to lend a  assistance . A family of nanoparticles  referred to as  metal-organic frameworks, or MOFs,  will  absorb harmful  ultraviolet illumination  radiation. Joseph Richardson  could be a  nano-engineer.  he's employed  in Melbourne at the Australian  analysis  Council Centre of Excellence in Bio-Nano Science and Technology. Some MOFs, he knew,  will   flip   ultraviolet illumination  rays into  alternative  wavelengths — ones that plants  might  use for  chemical pro...